A Note From Our Principal,
Fall is in full swing and our students are enjoying the extra outdoor time, nature walks and seasonal curriculum activities. Last month our School-Age program kicked off another great year, and we are thrilled to have our older students with us at the beginning and end of each day. Our soccer, dance and gymnastics ancillary programs are also back up and running, and we are enjoying watching our students learn and grow in their extracurricular activities We will begin planning for our annual holiday giving community support initiative soon, so stay tuned for more information! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Kindergarten Community Project
Every year our Kindergarten students choose a community project to collaborate on throughout the year. This year’s project will be a business building effort. As a group, the children will be creating a monthly pop-up shop that will open on the first Friday of every month (except December). The children will develop a business plan that includes naming the shop, production of goods (baked goods, popcorn, lemonade), marketing and money collecting and budgeting. Funds raised will go towards purchasing costumes for their graduation musical presentation.
The first opening of the “Snack Shack” will be October 4th and will feature zucchini brownies and sweet & salty cookies. October’s shop managers will be kindergarten students (and their teachers) from rooms 6 & 7.
All students will have the opportunity to shop at the if they bring $ .50 cents with them. Parents can also purchase directly at 12:30 or 3:00.
Parkcenter Montessori Library Opening
Beginning October 1st, each student in primary classrooms will have the opportunity to check out a book to take home for the week. Books are due back the following week. Each classroom has their own library basket where books can be returned. Rooms 2, 3 & 7 still need parent volunteers to help children check out books. If you are available please let Miss Jamie know.
Room 2: Wednesday 10:00-11:00am * Parent Volunteer Needed
Room 3: Monday 9:30-10:30am * Parent Volunteer Needed
Room 4: Thursday 9:00-10:00am
Room 5: Wednesday 9:00-10:00am
Room 6: Tuesday 10:00-11:00am
Room 7: Tuesday 9:00-10:00am * Parent Volunteer Needed
Your Opinion Matters!
As valued members of our school community, your opinion is very important to us. We are committed to understanding how to improve your school experience. We are using a professional survey company called SMG Research, who will email each parent two times per year. You will be receiving the first survey between October 2nd and October 4th. If you have not received your survey by Friday, October 4th, contact the principal for assistance. Please white list smg.com to ensure you get a chance to respond. The survey only takes a few minutes, and the information you provide will help us make our schools better for our families. Your responses will be completely confidential. You may receive and respond to two different surveys if you have children in two separate schools. Also, both parents in the family are welcome to respond if you have furnished us with both email addresses.
Fundraising at Montessori Academy
Our school participates in a variety of fundraising events throughout the year. Please know that participation in any fundraising event is 100% voluntarily. However, some of our local and national vendors do offer a great discount to our families while also providing some great kickbacks to the school. For the next two weeks the Charleston Wrap fundraiser will be set up in the front lobby. Charleston Wrap features a variety of products and part of the proceeds of all the sales go directly to our school. Take a catalog and get a jump start on your Christmas shopping!
School Events in October
Wednesday, October 9 at The Farmstead: The Farmstead has 18 acres of corn maze, hayrides, farm animals, games and the candy cannon! Don’t miss this family fun event! On October 9th from 4-9, the Farmstead will be offering discounted admission rates for any friends of Montessori Academy. Just mention the school’s name at the gate! The farmstead is in a new location this year, so be sure to take home a flyer that will be going home with the children.
Our annual “Kiss the Pig” contest is back! Our brave teachers have volunteered to kiss the pig, should their classroom raise the most funds. Children can vote for their teachers by putting money in the jars outside the classrooms or by giving money during the last call on the night of the event. 100% of funds raised will go back to the classroom to purchase materials.
Thursday, October 31 is Halloween. However, we ask that you save the costumes and candy for your home celebrations. Instead, we have a “crazy hair” dress up day that children and parents are welcomed to participate in! If you are wondering what to do with all that candy; the Montessori Sweet Swap Shop is returning! Children can trade in 10 or more items of candy for small toy items in our shop. It will open on October 31st and remain open until items go. The candy raised will be donated to Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude supports our troops by mailing personalized care packages to those serving over seas.
October 21-25 Montessori Academy Book Fair: Boise’s local bookstore “Rediscovered Books” is returning once again to sponsor our annual book fair and raise new books for our school library! Rediscovered Books will be providing a wide variety of hand-picked books for our school and students! We are looking for parent volunteers to help host this event. Remaining shifts are Tuesday & Wednesday from 2:40-3:20. Please see Miss Jamie if you’re interested! To find out more about Rediscovered Books, check them out here.
October 24-25 Parent/Teacher Conference:School will be CLOSED for parent and teacher conferences. Please sign up for a conference time to meet with your child’s teacher. There will be childcare offered during your scheduled conference time. Sign ups will be located near your classroom door starting October 1st.
Classroom Newsletters
Room 1 October Newsletter
Room 2 October Newsletter
Room 3 October Newsletter
Room 4 October Newsletter
Room 5 October Newsletter
Room 6 October Newsletter
Room 7 October Newsletter
Important Dates
October 2 – Parenting Class (Please email Kellie Resue at kellie.cfconsulting@gmail.com for information about this class)
October 2 – Parent Surveys go out.
October 7 – Miss Kellie from Connections First Consulting in lobby answering parent questions from 8:30-9:30
October 9 – Fall Social at the Farmstead (Kiss the Pig!) 4-9
October 14 – Charleston Wrap Orders Due
October 16 – Parent Class 5:30-7:30
October 22 – Parent Class 5:30-7:30
October 21-25 – Book Fair in the Lobby
October 24 – SCHOOL CLOSED – Parent / Teacher Conferences
October 25 – SCHOOL CLOSED – Parent / Teacher Conferences
October 30 – Parent Class 5:30-7:30
October 31st—Crazy Hair Day
From Our Education Department
May, 2020
Join Miss Kacie for a yoga recess for all enrolled students! This is a virtual event so access ID is included in your Distance Learning Plan.
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2019 October News
A Note From Our Principal,
Fall is in full swing and our students are enjoying the extra outdoor time, nature walks and seasonal curriculum activities. Last month our School-Age program kicked off another great year, and we are thrilled to have our older students with us at the beginning and end of each day. Our soccer, dance and gymnastics ancillary programs are also back up and running, and we are enjoying watching our students learn and grow in their extracurricular activities We will begin planning for our annual holiday giving community support initiative soon, so stay tuned for more information! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Kindergarten Community Project
Every year our Kindergarten students choose a community project to collaborate on throughout the year. This year’s project will be a business building effort. As a group, the children will be creating a monthly pop-up shop that will open on the first Friday of every month (except December). The children will develop a business plan that includes naming the shop, production of goods (baked goods, popcorn, lemonade), marketing and money collecting and budgeting. Funds raised will go towards purchasing costumes for their graduation musical presentation.
The first opening of the “Snack Shack” will be October 4th and will feature zucchini brownies and sweet & salty cookies. October’s shop managers will be kindergarten students (and their teachers) from rooms 6 & 7.
All students will have the opportunity to shop at the if they bring $ .50 cents with them. Parents can also purchase directly at 12:30 or 3:00.
Parkcenter Montessori Library Opening
Beginning October 1st, each student in primary classrooms will have the opportunity to check out a book to take home for the week. Books are due back the following week. Each classroom has their own library basket where books can be returned. Rooms 2, 3 & 7 still need parent volunteers to help children check out books. If you are available please let Miss Jamie know.
Room 2: Wednesday 10:00-11:00am * Parent Volunteer Needed
Room 3: Monday 9:30-10:30am * Parent Volunteer Needed
Room 4: Thursday 9:00-10:00am
Room 5: Wednesday 9:00-10:00am
Room 6: Tuesday 10:00-11:00am
Room 7: Tuesday 9:00-10:00am * Parent Volunteer Needed
Your Opinion Matters!
As valued members of our school community, your opinion is very important to us. We are committed to understanding how to improve your school experience. We are using a professional survey company called SMG Research, who will email each parent two times per year. You will be receiving the first survey between October 2nd and October 4th. If you have not received your survey by Friday, October 4th, contact the principal for assistance. Please white list smg.com to ensure you get a chance to respond. The survey only takes a few minutes, and the information you provide will help us make our schools better for our families. Your responses will be completely confidential. You may receive and respond to two different surveys if you have children in two separate schools. Also, both parents in the family are welcome to respond if you have furnished us with both email addresses.
Fundraising at Montessori Academy
Our school participates in a variety of fundraising events throughout the year. Please know that participation in any fundraising event is 100% voluntarily. However, some of our local and national vendors do offer a great discount to our families while also providing some great kickbacks to the school. For the next two weeks the Charleston Wrap fundraiser will be set up in the front lobby. Charleston Wrap features a variety of products and part of the proceeds of all the sales go directly to our school. Take a catalog and get a jump start on your Christmas shopping!
School Events in October
Wednesday, October 9 at The Farmstead: The Farmstead has 18 acres of corn maze, hayrides, farm animals, games and the candy cannon! Don’t miss this family fun event! On October 9th from 4-9, the Farmstead will be offering discounted admission rates for any friends of Montessori Academy. Just mention the school’s name at the gate! The farmstead is in a new location this year, so be sure to take home a flyer that will be going home with the children.
Our annual “Kiss the Pig” contest is back! Our brave teachers have volunteered to kiss the pig, should their classroom raise the most funds. Children can vote for their teachers by putting money in the jars outside the classrooms or by giving money during the last call on the night of the event. 100% of funds raised will go back to the classroom to purchase materials.
Thursday, October 31 is Halloween. However, we ask that you save the costumes and candy for your home celebrations. Instead, we have a “crazy hair” dress up day that children and parents are welcomed to participate in! If you are wondering what to do with all that candy; the Montessori Sweet Swap Shop is returning! Children can trade in 10 or more items of candy for small toy items in our shop. It will open on October 31st and remain open until items go. The candy raised will be donated to Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude supports our troops by mailing personalized care packages to those serving over seas.
October 21-25 Montessori Academy Book Fair: Boise’s local bookstore “Rediscovered Books” is returning once again to sponsor our annual book fair and raise new books for our school library! Rediscovered Books will be providing a wide variety of hand-picked books for our school and students! We are looking for parent volunteers to help host this event. Remaining shifts are Tuesday & Wednesday from 2:40-3:20. Please see Miss Jamie if you’re interested! To find out more about Rediscovered Books, check them out here.
October 24-25 Parent/Teacher Conference:School will be CLOSED for parent and teacher conferences. Please sign up for a conference time to meet with your child’s teacher. There will be childcare offered during your scheduled conference time. Sign ups will be located near your classroom door starting October 1st.
Classroom Newsletters
Room 1 October Newsletter
Room 2 October Newsletter
Room 3 October Newsletter
Room 4 October Newsletter
Room 5 October Newsletter
Room 6 October Newsletter
Room 7 October Newsletter
Important Dates
October 2 – Parenting Class (Please email Kellie Resue at kellie.cfconsulting@gmail.com for information about this class)
October 2 – Parent Surveys go out.
October 7 – Miss Kellie from Connections First Consulting in lobby answering parent questions from 8:30-9:30
October 9 – Fall Social at the Farmstead (Kiss the Pig!) 4-9
October 14 – Charleston Wrap Orders Due
October 16 – Parent Class 5:30-7:30
October 22 – Parent Class 5:30-7:30
October 21-25 – Book Fair in the Lobby
October 24 – SCHOOL CLOSED – Parent / Teacher Conferences
October 25 – SCHOOL CLOSED – Parent / Teacher Conferences
October 30 – Parent Class 5:30-7:30
October 31st—Crazy Hair Day
From Our Education Department
Monday Movement-Virtual Event
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