All School Picnic- June 22nd
In celebration of all of our families, we are inviting everyone for an evening of Picnic & Play at Parkcenter! We will have bouncy houses, face painters, lawn games and fun! The picnic begins at 5:30-7:30. Bring a picnic or just come to play. Either way, we hope to see everyone there!
Things to Watch for in June
Elective Classes: As summer approaches, so do changes in our electives. If you are currently enrolled in a class during our Elective Hour, June will be the last month of enrollment for our school year. Summer elective enrollment will begin on June 12th for all summer elective classes. Summer elective classes will run from July-August Registration will be in the lobby, open for all to sign up.
Library: Our Library is closing for the summer. Traditionally we close the library during summer months as many children are taking time to play! Please see your classroom newsletter for the last week of library in your child’s classroom. The library will re-open up after September. We are currently looking for library volunteers for the 2017-2018 school year. Parents willing to come in and help at a classroom level and/or in general library maintenance, please email to set up training.
Summer Recess Guidelines: We want to ensure our children maintain a healthy outside play during these warmer months. Our school uses the Central District Health Department guidelines in regards to heat index and air quality to determine safety perimeters for outside time. We do plan on going outside everyday, so please make sure to have your child prepared for warmer weather play.
Air Quality: Should the Department of Air Quality determine hazardous recess may be limited accordingly: Yellow: 20 min; orange 10 min; red or purple: no outside time. (Information by DEQ)
Heat Index: In the event that temperatures are above 90, recess times may be limited and in some cases canceled. Relative humidity and air temperature are taken into consideration to ensure safety.
Sun Safety: May-September our children will be offered sunscreen application prior to outdoor time. Parents must sign the sunscreen waiver posted on your child’s classroom door in order to be given applications of sunscreen. In the event that your child has not signed up for the sunscreen, we ask that you are providing applications of sunscreen at home. In addition, we encourage all children to bring a (labeled) sun hat to wear on the playground as well as a water bottle.
Safety Week
During our Safety Week, June 19-23 our children will be learning about ways to play safe this summer.
On Monday, June 19th the Forest Service will be coming in to talk with the children about fire safety. There may even be a visit from the famous mascot, Smokey the Bear!
On June 22-23 we will have a special Water Safety Presentation. Parents are invited to attend a morning information sessions on how to be ready for water safety this summer. In addition, the children will have a presentation on water safety in their classrooms where they will talk about the important work of keeping themselves safe when playing in or around water.
Dates to Remember
June 12: Summer Elective sign up
June 13: Yearbook Pick Up
June 14: Father’s Day Celebrations in rooms 3, 4, 6 & 7
June 15: Father’s Day Celebrations in rooms 2 & 5
June 16: Kindergarten Field Trip to Boise Zoo
June 19: Smokey the Bear Presentation
June 22-23: Water Safety Presentation
June 28: Kindergarten Graduation (10 AM)
June 29th: Last Day of School
June 30th & July 3: School Closed for teacher Inservice
July 4th: School Closed
July 5th: First Day of Summer Camp, Week 1
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June 2017 Newsletter
All School Picnic- June 22nd
In celebration of all of our families, we are inviting everyone for an evening of Picnic & Play at Parkcenter! We will have bouncy houses, face painters, lawn games and fun! The picnic begins at 5:30-7:30. Bring a picnic or just come to play. Either way, we hope to see everyone there!
Things to Watch for in June
Elective Classes: As summer approaches, so do changes in our electives. If you are currently enrolled in a class during our Elective Hour, June will be the last month of enrollment for our school year. Summer elective enrollment will begin on June 12th for all summer elective classes. Summer elective classes will run from July-August Registration will be in the lobby, open for all to sign up.
Library: Our Library is closing for the summer. Traditionally we close the library during summer months as many children are taking time to play! Please see your classroom newsletter for the last week of library in your child’s classroom. The library will re-open up after September. We are currently looking for library volunteers for the 2017-2018 school year. Parents willing to come in and help at a classroom level and/or in general library maintenance, please email to set up training.
Summer Recess Guidelines: We want to ensure our children maintain a healthy outside play during these warmer months. Our school uses the Central District Health Department guidelines in regards to heat index and air quality to determine safety perimeters for outside time. We do plan on going outside everyday, so please make sure to have your child prepared for warmer weather play.
Air Quality: Should the Department of Air Quality determine hazardous recess may be limited accordingly: Yellow: 20 min; orange 10 min; red or purple: no outside time. (Information by DEQ)
Heat Index: In the event that temperatures are above 90, recess times may be limited and in some cases canceled. Relative humidity and air temperature are taken into consideration to ensure safety.
Sun Safety: May-September our children will be offered sunscreen application prior to outdoor time. Parents must sign the sunscreen waiver posted on your child’s classroom door in order to be given applications of sunscreen. In the event that your child has not signed up for the sunscreen, we ask that you are providing applications of sunscreen at home. In addition, we encourage all children to bring a (labeled) sun hat to wear on the playground as well as a water bottle.
Safety Week
During our Safety Week, June 19-23 our children will be learning about ways to play safe this summer.
On Monday, June 19th the Forest Service will be coming in to talk with the children about fire safety. There may even be a visit from the famous mascot, Smokey the Bear!
On June 22-23 we will have a special Water Safety Presentation. Parents are invited to attend a morning information sessions on how to be ready for water safety this summer. In addition, the children will have a presentation on water safety in their classrooms where they will talk about the important work of keeping themselves safe when playing in or around water.
Dates to Remember
June 12: Summer Elective sign up
June 13: Yearbook Pick Up
June 14: Father’s Day Celebrations in rooms 3, 4, 6 & 7
June 15: Father’s Day Celebrations in rooms 2 & 5
June 16: Kindergarten Field Trip to Boise Zoo
June 19: Smokey the Bear Presentation
June 22-23: Water Safety Presentation
June 28: Kindergarten Graduation (10 AM)
June 29th: Last Day of School
June 30th & July 3: School Closed for teacher Inservice
July 4th: School Closed
July 5th: First Day of Summer Camp, Week 1
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