Informing yourself about school events and important dates is vital for you and your child to get the most out of your time at our school, and to feel connected with the school community.  Building a relationship and partnership with your child’s teacher and with other school staff and families provides a foundation on which your child can build their social, emotional, and academic skills in school.

We are constantly working to communicate with families in a variety of ways, and want to do all we can to keep you informed about the progress your child is making with us.  Here are some tips to staying connected:

  • Make sure you have the most up-to-date school calendar easily accessible. Calendars are available in a one-page pdf summary (sent out via email, and included in your enrollment documents).
  • Read your emails and newsletters. Every week, important information is included in your campus’s email, especially regarding minimum Days and holiday care.
  • Sign up for and get updates via Transparent Classroom. Transparent Classroom is our online record-keeping system, where our Montessori Head Teachers keep track of all of the individualized lessons each child receives. This system allows us to ensure that each child progresses through the entire Montessori curriculum, at their own pace. It also allows your child’s teacher to communicate with you: he/she can easily share photos of your child with you and let you know of specific lessons she wants you to be aware of. 
  • Be on the lookout for Watch Me Work Wednesdays. Each year, starting around January, you’ll be invited to sign up to observe in your child’s Montessori classroom (for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school). Come see first-hand how your child spends his/her time in class!
  • Touch base with your child’s teacher at drop-off or pick-up. Teachers are happy to share anecdotes about your child’s day at drop-off or pick-up, as time permits, but it’s not possible to have in-depth conversations at these times of day. If your child’s teacher isn’t available to talk for long, leave a message with front office staff and she’ll get back to you as soon as possible, or email him/her to coordinate a time for a meeting.
  • You’re always welcome to ask front office staff to look in on your child or update you if you’ve had a tearful goodbye. They are there to help and answer any questions you might have.
  • Parent-teacher conferences happen twice a year, with a back-to-school conference and a mid-year conference. Some teachers and schools may send out a get-to-know-you questionnaire before conferences for new parents so your child’s teacher can better understand the goals you have for your child.
  • You’ll receive comprehensive progress reports of your child’s Montessori experience during conference times. These detailed reports are available online, in the Transparent Classroom system, and contain information both on the progress your child has made in the Montessori curriculum, as well as commentary about your child’s life in the classroom.

  • Finally, be sure to attend parent info events throughout the year. These will help you better understand what your child is doing at school. Parent info events can take a variety of forms–everything from casual morning coffee chats with a school leader, to hour-long late afternoon or evening virtual meetings, and even weekend multi-hour workshops.

Thank you for staying connected!