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Montessori Elementary

Why Elementary at Montessori Academy?

At around age six, children enter what Dr. Montessori described as a new plane of development. Children become more social, eager to work in groups – and begin to grasp more abstract ideas. Of course, as children grow, their needs change. So, their education program must change too! The best motivators for learning are purpose, autonomy, and mastery.
At Montessori Academy, we follow these principles. They guide us as we foster each child’s intrinsic motivation and curiosity.

Schedule a tour with us. You will see just how different Montessori is and why our students love it here!


Key Elements of Montessori Elementary

Mixed-Age Groups

Nowhere in life, but at school, do people interact only with same-age peers. We benefit by being around people who know more than us. We also solidify our understanding by teaching those who know less. In mixed-age Montessori Elementary classrooms, children benefit in multiple ways:

  • Motivation – aspiring to do work done by older children
  • Mentoring – solidifying skills by teaching their classmates
  • Leadership – organizing the group and managing the work of the classroom
  • Individualized learning – working at each student’s pace, regardless of age cut-offs

Uninterrupted Work Periods

In Montessori Elementary, the school day has two long, uninterrupted work periods. There are usually three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. During these work periods, our students engage in:
Lessons – Our students receive lessons in small groups or one-on-one with their teacher.
Practice – Children apply what they learned that day and week and practice new skills. They practice at school, instead of needing to bring work home.
Projects – Our students do projects that are meaningful to them. They may research a country, do a science experiment, or write.
Community work – Children water plants, clean up the classroom, lead group meetings, and keep themselves organized.
Engagement – Our students work for longer periods of time on chosen materials until they master them.

Small Groups or One-on-One Lessons

During work periods, our teachers give lessons in small groups or one-on-one with a child. This allows us to select the level of challenge. It prevents the boredom that may occur if the lesson is not challenging for the child. Small groups also allow us to see understanding of skills and for the child to be more engaged. Our small groups are made based on interest, knowledge, and skill level. For example, a math group may include an advanced 4th grader, several 5th graders, and a 6th grader who needs some extra help.

A Prepared Environment

Many children can not sit still at a desk for hours at a time. In our classrooms, our students can work at a child-sized table, on a rug on the floor, or curled up on a beanbag or a small rocking chair while reading a book. Shelves, rugs, and tables define work spaces where small groups and individuals can work comfortably. This is in contrast to the rows of desks you may often see in traditional schools. Plants, art, and soft music make a peaceful work space.

Freedom Within Limits

Dr. Montessori believed that children want to learn and want to do well. We do not micromanage our students. We strive to provide the right amount of support they need to do their best work and be their best selves. We call this approach “freedom within limits”. It is an approach founded on trust and respect, rather than control and command. How this plays out in class:
Supporting time and work management – Our students receive levels of help based on their maturity and responsibility.
Supporting responsible choices – Our teachers give children freedom as they see them behave in a responsible way. A child who is easily distracted may be given space to work in a quiet corner. Another child who can make good choices may be free to work anywhere in the classroom.
Children are trusted – Our students move around the classroom freely. They meet their own needs without asking for permission from their teacher to do so.


Why families choose Montessori Academy Elementary

Individualized attention

Our classrooms have a 1:15 or better teacher-to-student ratio. Our teachers are able to get to know each child well!

Foundational skills in core subjects

Our students learn language and math skills through the use of hands-on materials. These materials go from concrete to more abstract. Our students learn joyfully and master (not just memorize) skills.

Optimal challenge for each child

We teach small groups of children based on their ability, readiness, and interest. This means that each child is challenged at just the right level. Our classrooms are multi-age (1st grade through 3rd grade, and 4th grade through 6th grade). Due to this, our students don’t compare themselves against their peers as much. They are focused on their own goals.

Well-rounded curriculum

Our program includes much more than just language and math. Our students also learn science, geography, cultural subjects, and history. Our teachers also include art and music into the life of the classroom. We offer enrichment opportunities for our students, such as field trips and child-led “going outs”.

Limited homework

Our students have six instructional hours each day (three in the morning hours and three in the afternoon hours). Lessons and practice happen during the school day, so homework can be limited without hurting the child’s progress.

A community of like-minded families

Our families love that they can connect with people who share similar parenting styles and values as they do. We host events at our school throughout the school year, provide ongoing communications, and have an open door policy for parents to see our classrooms.

Learning motivated by interest

Our students learn because they love mastering new skills. They are motivated by seeing our older children in their class do more challenging work. Our teachers don’t give letter grades. This helps keep the child’s motivation where it needs to be, within the child. Our students do not need grades or sticker charts. Those tend to work in the short term, but often lead to a “will this be on the test” attitude by middle school.

A continuation of authentic Montessori

Many parents of graduating Montessori Primary students choose our school. They want to continue what works best for their child, rather than switching to a traditional school.


Your child’s educational journey begins here.
Our school is committed to providing a safe and supportive
environment where every child thrives.

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