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October 2024

A Note from Our Principal 

As October begins, I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the season’s transition and the exciting opportunities it brings for our students. Autumn provides an ideal setting for learning, with so many changes occurring outdoors and the chance to incorporate new, natural elements into our artwork and learning centers. This month, we have a range of exciting events lined up such as pumpkin decorating, trunk-or-treat, etc. As always, thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We’re eager for a season of growth, discovery, and fun.


Michelle Lane-Robison

Family Referral Bonus & Open House 

Do you know a colleague who has recently had a baby, a friend in need of care who just relocated to the area, or a family member who is seeking a new preschool for their child? Invite them to our Open House event on October 26. When you refer a friend and they enroll, you’re eligible for a free week of tuition. Ask us for details!

Fall Cubby Refresh

The days will soon be getting crisp! Please supply an extra set of weather-appropriate clothes for your child and a jacket for chilly days. 


Do you have a different email address or phone number? Need to add or remove an emergency contact? You can do this at any time in Alma. You can also make payments and access statements through the Alma parent portal. If you need help logging in or accessing the system, please let us know.


Special Upcoming Visits from our Sister Elementary School!

This month, we will have a visit from Ms. Aaryn and the upper elementary students from our Eagle Montessori Elementary School that’s just around the corner. They will engage our Primary students in reading some of their favorite books. We are thrilled to have an opportunity for students to participate in these rich learning experiences and get to know the elementary students at our local Montessori Academy School.


New on Our Preschool Blog 

Montessori preschool and toddler programs emphasize helping children become independent far more than traditional education approaches.  Why is that?  Learn more about the importance of independence in the Montessori curriculum in this month’s blog post.

Important Dates

October 4 – Coffee Hour with Admin

October 5 – World Teachers’ Day – We will celebrate our teachers on October 4!

October 10 – Curriculum Night

October 25 – Fall Festival

October 26 – Open House 10 AM – 1 PM

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