From Miss Lila
There are never enough ways to express gratitude. This year we had so many more families step up and donate their time and efforts in a plethora of ways. Thank you for all that each of you did to make this year great. From our spring show, parent date nights, fundraisers, teacher appreciation and so so much more…your efforts in making our school a strong community are priceless. So, thank you families for being the active “village” for our school and our children.
Apologies for the delay in sending this. Email migration was not kind to my distribution list. Classroom newsletters will be sent out separately.
In June
June Tuition: Friday, June 5th is the last day to pay June tuition. All invoices have been emailed directly to your inbox. If you have not received your invoice, please check your spam and junk box. If you still cannot find it, let us know at the office so we can get you your invoice.
Hot Lunch: Create Common Good (CCG) will not continue to offer a hot lunch option from June 2nd-August 31st. They will start up again in September. For any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the CCG office.
Daily Milk Order: During June – August we will no longer be doing daily milk sign ups. If you child would like milk with their lunch, they just need to ask the teacher. Starting in September all daily milk orders will be handled through Create Common Good. Ordering/billing will be handled through them.
Parkcenter Montessori Library: Library is closed for this school year and we ask that all books be returned to school so that we can they can be checked in. If your student has any books unreturned, we will ask for a replacement book or a fine will be accessed. Thank you in advance for returning all books to Parkcenter Montessori.
Father’s Day Celebrations
June 18-19: Classrooms 2-7 will be celebrating all our Parkcenter Dads! Moms, please be sure to check your classroom parent board and/or newsletter to see if there is anything you can bring to make the event special. Dads, please save the date and time to come in and celebrate!
(For your child’s scheduled date and time, please see classroom newsletter)
Kindergarten Corner
Field Day June 5th: Another successful Field Day! Thank you all who volunteered and came out to cheer on your favorite team!
Zoo Fieldtrip, June 12th: Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for walking in the zoo and playing at the park. Also, be sure to bring a sack lunch for your child. Weather permitting, they will eat lunch at park.
Graduation Practice, Mondays and Fridays: from 1:30-2:30.
Graduation, June 25th 10am-12: Parents sign up to bring a light snack for the graduation reception. This event will be held outside on the back patio.
Last Chance!
Biome Art Sale: Last chance to purchase your child’s art fair project. Pieces are located in the lobby through the end of June 9th.
Lost & Found: You just may be surprised what you find in there. Items not picked up by the end of June will be donated.
Yearbooks are in! Pick yours up today! If you missed your chance to pre-order, there is a limited amount still available for sale. Cost $30. A huge thank you to Ulli Schlapke whose donated time and efforts made the project so wonderful.
Summer at Parkcenter
July 6th will kick off our summer months here at Parkcenter.
What: During the summer we continue the Montessori work period but add in some thematic week activities to make the summer fun happen. If you are enrolled in the summer it is important that you know when Water Days and field trips are noted so to ensure proper attire and arrival to attend these events. Please note that all enrolled students will be billed a activity fee to cover these field trips. Extra summer event calendars are located in the lobby.
Summer Classrooms: During the summer both families and teachers are taking vacations. To best accommodate, there are some classroom changes that you should note.
Room 3 students will join room 2 for the summer with Miss Jolee.
Room 5 will be a Elementary Summer Camp room with Miss Emily A. This program is reserved for any Parkcenter alumni or recently graduated students.
Room 5 students will join room 7 for the summer with Miss Carrie.
Rooms 4 & 6 will remain in their perspective classrooms during the summer.
* Summer elective registration will begin in the lobby by June 12th.
* Hot lunch will not be available during summer.
Back to School
Are you ready for September 2nd and Fall 2015-2016? Take Miss Lila’s survey to see if you are:
1. Have I turned in the correct Fall schedule for my child?
2. Is my child up to date on all their required immunization shots? If your child is 5 by September 1st, they will need proof of their kindergarten booster shots by the first day of school.
3. If you are paying the year in full, tuition statements and contracts will be mailed to you by August 1st.
4. If you are interested in registering for Fall electives, registration opens August 7th.
5. Have I updated my contact information to the office?
6. If your child is 5 by September 1st, they will be receiving a K box supply list in the mail. Be on the lookout for this as they will need the K box by September 2nd.
Dates to Remember
June 18/19: Father’s Day celebrations
June 12: Kindergarten Field Trip
June 25: Kindergarten Graduation
June 30: Last day of School
JULY 6: First day of summer
June Newsletter: Parkcenter Montessori
From Miss Lila
There are never enough ways to express gratitude. This year we had so many more families step up and donate their time and efforts in a plethora of ways. Thank you for all that each of you did to make this year great. From our spring show, parent date nights, fundraisers, teacher appreciation and so so much more…your efforts in making our school a strong community are priceless. So, thank you families for being the active “village” for our school and our children.
Apologies for the delay in sending this. Email migration was not kind to my distribution list. Classroom newsletters will be sent out separately.
In June
June Tuition: Friday, June 5th is the last day to pay June tuition. All invoices have been emailed directly to your inbox. If you have not received your invoice, please check your spam and junk box. If you still cannot find it, let us know at the office so we can get you your invoice.
Hot Lunch: Create Common Good (CCG) will not continue to offer a hot lunch option from June 2nd-August 31st. They will start up again in September. For any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the CCG office.
Daily Milk Order: During June – August we will no longer be doing daily milk sign ups. If you child would like milk with their lunch, they just need to ask the teacher. Starting in September all daily milk orders will be handled through Create Common Good. Ordering/billing will be handled through them.
Parkcenter Montessori Library: Library is closed for this school year and we ask that all books be returned to school so that we can they can be checked in. If your student has any books unreturned, we will ask for a replacement book or a fine will be accessed. Thank you in advance for returning all books to Parkcenter Montessori.
Father’s Day Celebrations
June 18-19: Classrooms 2-7 will be celebrating all our Parkcenter Dads! Moms, please be sure to check your classroom parent board and/or newsletter to see if there is anything you can bring to make the event special. Dads, please save the date and time to come in and celebrate!
(For your child’s scheduled date and time, please see classroom newsletter)
Kindergarten Corner
Field Day June 5th: Another successful Field Day! Thank you all who volunteered and came out to cheer on your favorite team!
Zoo Fieldtrip, June 12th: Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for walking in the zoo and playing at the park. Also, be sure to bring a sack lunch for your child. Weather permitting, they will eat lunch at park.
Graduation Practice, Mondays and Fridays: from 1:30-2:30.
Graduation, June 25th 10am-12: Parents sign up to bring a light snack for the graduation reception. This event will be held outside on the back patio.
Last Chance!
Biome Art Sale: Last chance to purchase your child’s art fair project. Pieces are located in the lobby through the end of June 9th.
Lost & Found: You just may be surprised what you find in there. Items not picked up by the end of June will be donated.
Yearbooks are in! Pick yours up today! If you missed your chance to pre-order, there is a limited amount still available for sale. Cost $30. A huge thank you to Ulli Schlapke whose donated time and efforts made the project so wonderful.
Summer at Parkcenter
July 6th will kick off our summer months here at Parkcenter.
What: During the summer we continue the Montessori work period but add in some thematic week activities to make the summer fun happen. If you are enrolled in the summer it is important that you know when Water Days and field trips are noted so to ensure proper attire and arrival to attend these events. Please note that all enrolled students will be billed a activity fee to cover these field trips. Extra summer event calendars are located in the lobby.
Summer Classrooms: During the summer both families and teachers are taking vacations. To best accommodate, there are some classroom changes that you should note.
Room 3 students will join room 2 for the summer with Miss Jolee.
Room 5 will be a Elementary Summer Camp room with Miss Emily A. This program is reserved for any Parkcenter alumni or recently graduated students.
Room 5 students will join room 7 for the summer with Miss Carrie.
Rooms 4 & 6 will remain in their perspective classrooms during the summer.
* Summer elective registration will begin in the lobby by June 12th.
* Hot lunch will not be available during summer.
Back to School
Are you ready for September 2nd and Fall 2015-2016? Take Miss Lila’s survey to see if you are:
1. Have I turned in the correct Fall schedule for my child?
2. Is my child up to date on all their required immunization shots? If your child is 5 by September 1st, they will need proof of their kindergarten booster shots by the first day of school.
3. If you are paying the year in full, tuition statements and contracts will be mailed to you by August 1st.
4. If you are interested in registering for Fall electives, registration opens August 7th.
5. Have I updated my contact information to the office?
6. If your child is 5 by September 1st, they will be receiving a K box supply list in the mail. Be on the lookout for this as they will need the K box by September 2nd.
Dates to Remember
June 18/19: Father’s Day celebrations
June 12: Kindergarten Field Trip
June 25: Kindergarten Graduation
June 30: Last day of School
JULY 6: First day of summer